DEADLINE - Materials Needed for Fall Mailer
Friday, August 18, 2023
It’s a way for us to provide a low-cost marketing opportunity for our member businesses. This brightly colored packet of Chamber & Member Information goes out to our membership, around 310 members quarterly.
How it Works…
1) Reserve your spot in the mailer, call Kim at 218-729-6843 or email kim@hermantownchamber.com
Include which Mailers you would like to be in – Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.
Reserve 1 mailer = $75
2) Provide your promotional flier (310 copies needed)
- 8.5 X 11 flyer (both sides is fine) on copy / glossy paper, card stock will be extra (because of the weight)
- rack card
- business card (310 needed)
3) Supply your organization’s logo and contact information
*Dates are subject to flex
Mailer | Payment & Materials Needed by | Assembled around* | Mailed around* |
Spring | Feb 15th | Feb 20th | March 1 |
Summer | May 18th | May 20th | June 1 |
Fall | Aug 18th | Aug 20th | Sept 1 |
Winter / Holiday | Nov 17th | Nov 20th | Dec 1 |
Hermantown Area Chamber of Commerce
5094 Miller Trunk Highway Suite 600
Hermantown, MN 55811 United States
5094 Miller Trunk Highway Suite 600
Hermantown, MN 55811 United States
Friday, August 18, 2023
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