Business Organizations
Leverage Private Sector Resources to Drive Investment Throughout the Region
MISSION: Leverage private sector resources to drive investment throughout the APEX region.
VISION: APEX is the catalyst for a prosperous regional economy.
VALUE PROPOSITION: APEX delivers the compelling case and the relationships required for business to locate, expand, or stay in the APEX region.
APEX is a private sector-led business development engine established to promote sustainable growth in the APEX region. APEX investor-members represent many of the largest and most influential organizations in the region with a vested interest in business attraction, expansion and retention.
APEX business and economic development efforts focus on areas including aviation, technology, manufacturing, professional services and next generation forest products. Since 2003, the organization has impacted over 4,340 jobs in the region, resulting in a regional payroll of over $177.9 million and contributing to over $24.5 million annually in state and local taxes.