Please fill out the form below - here are our current rates.
The number of employees (Full Time Equivalent) my business has:
Small (1-20 FTE Employees)
| Mid-Size (21-100 FTE Employees) | Large (101-499 FTE Employees) | Major (500+ FTE Employees) |
1 $300 2-5 $325 6-10 $365 11-20 $400
| 21-40 $500 41-60 $600 61-80 $700 81-100 $800
| 101-200 $1000 201-400 $1500 401-500 $2000
| 501-1000 $3000 1001+ $5000
*We currently offer membership dues on a structure based on the number of Full-Time Equivalent Employees, or FTEs.
For example, if you are a small business and work full time, with 2 additional part-time employees, your FTE count would roughly be “2”. If you’re unsure, try this: take the # of payroll hours in a week /40 hours. For example, 367 payroll hours would be 9.175 employees, which we round to 9 FTEs.
*Members can pay in full at the rates noted above or choose monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually with a card on file for recurring billing. Fill out the short application below based on business size, and you'll be prompted at the end for how you would like to be billed. A small processing fee is built into the increments; for more details, see Membership Terms and Conditions on the membership page. If you're a BRAND NEW BUSINESS or a NON-PROFIT, there are some additional benefits you may wish to take advantage of tied to payment. You can check the Membership page for more details or contact the office at 218-729-6843.